What Would Jesus Drink?
Cocktails and Mixed Drinks

Dos and Don'ts


"Thank you father for the gift you have bestowed upon me, during my hour of need."

Some will argue that real men drink beer. Anything else is sissy stuff. I beg to differ however. I find nothing more relaxing after a hard day than a nice Captain and Coke. It is one of my personal favorites. White Russians are just as wonderful to the pallet, although if you are lactose intolerant, too many may spoil your evening.

Frankly, real men do shots, not beer. Don't get me wrong, there are several beers, ales and lagers out there that are delicious and when offered I will almost never turn one down. But I will take a cocktail hands down any day of the week.

Now we do need to separate the writer from the reader when it comes to cocktails. There are certain drinks out there that simply are not drinks. Why you may ask? Because of the alcohol used in the concoction. First let me stipulate that the following are not alcohol for general consumption.

Night Train
Mad Dog 20/20
Anything containing 90% alcohol by volume

These are merely astringents. They are to be used in the cleaning of wounds and for cleansing the surface of your compact discs. Consumption of these products not only shows your lack of taste, but lack of common sense. If you drink them religiously you are still a knuckle-dragging primate and you will most likely die an early death in a fraternity hazing ritual involving Boot in Bush.

Here are few cocktails that I personally recommend:

Captain and Coke

2 shots of the captain
fill the rest of the glass with ice and coke
I recommend a highball glass and lots of ice
Try a twist of lime or even substitute coke with Cherry Cola for an added zing.

White Russian

Two to three ounces of Kahlua
One shot of vodka
Fill the rest of your glass with milk and ice and you have a perfect start to your morning.

Holy Spirit White Russian

Similar to the White Russian but you substitute the vodka for Bacardi 151 (or any strong rum) Add the Bacardi in liberal amounts but not too much or it will overpower the rest of the drink.
More drinks to come!

Email Jesus at: jesushcrst@hotmail.com